Wednesday, December 4, 2013

FIVE PLUS! Inventory at the Intervale


That's always a good sign when doing Inventory!

For the past two weeks, Seth has been showing us how to do Inventory of the trees at the nursery. We've measured countless silky dogwood, red oiser dogwood and of course black willow. 

The process of inventory is relatively simple. Using a measuring stick, we measured the height of each tree per five foot area, every ten feet. As two people measured, one person tallied our findings. 

Inventory is important for the nursery to know how much of what species they have for restoration projects. It is also important to know the amount of each species average size. 

Here's a picture of Rachel doing Inventory. She looks so happy! She must have found a 5 plus! 

Striped and Sugars!

Today at the ICN rachel planted both striped and sugar maples in a raised bed made by our very own group member Meagan! 

After covering the seedlings with potting soil we addressed a major problem: squirrels!

We covered the bed with a wire table and covered it with leaf debris. Hopefully the leaf debris will provide a layer of insulation for the seedlings over the winter months. 
